Problem 3 - Melody


You're given a sequence of notes (represented by integers), which you'd like to turn into a sequence of three repeating notes by changing as few integers in the sequence as possible.


Let's colour our sequence yellow, blue, white, yellow, blue, white...

The important thing to notice is that for our song to be nice:

This useful observation lets us split the problem into three independent parts; what note should we choose for the yellow, blue and white sections?

Let's focus on the blue section. If our goal is to minimize the number of changes we need to make, we should choose whichever note in the blue section occurs the most (the mode), in this case, 3. If two types of notes both occur the same number of times, we can take any of them.

To calculate which note occurs the most, we can just loop through the array, and keep a count of how many of each note we've seen.


N, K = map(int, input().strip().split())

S = [int(input().strip()) for _ in range(N)]

sections = [[], [], []]

for i in range(0, N):

def calculate_mode(a):
    count = [0 for x in range(K+1)]
    for note in a:
        count[note] += 1
    return max(count)

kept_the_same = 0
kept_the_same += calculate_mode(sections[0])
kept_the_same += calculate_mode(sections[1])
kept_the_same += calculate_mode(sections[2])

answer = N - kept_the_same


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